Welcome to Mayoneese

Mayoneese is for entertainment purposes only and is not a financial product. The $MAYO token has no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The token is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only. We do not cater to U.S. investors, and individuals from the United States are prohibited from engaging with our services. Users are responsible for complying with their local laws. By using this site, you acknowledge and accept these terms.

Contract: 0x305A029802ea02Df1D6858094266698C5b5d5857
Please refresh page upon connecting wallet
  • Deflationary

    Unrefrigerated (unstaked) $MAYO goes bad, at a rate of 2% for every 24 hours.

    Upon transacting (purchase, sale, transfer, fridge interaction), the spoiled $MAYO is burned forever.

    Once your $MAYO has gone bad, it cannot be moved anymore.

    Transactions exceeding your available $MAYO balance (unrefrigerated minus spoiled) will fail.

    There will only ever be 11.47 billion $MAYO, ever.

  • The Fridge

    Users can keep some or all their $MAYO in the fridge (stake), preventing it from spoiling.

    Removing tokens from the fridge takes 24 hours.

    After taking $MAYO from the fridge, you have 24 hours to transact before any spoiling occurs.

    The liquidity pool is refrigerated, meaning liquidity is not susceptible to spoiling.

    You better keep your $MAYO in the fridge.

  • Example

    You buy 1000 $MAYO

    You don't put your $MAYO in the fridge

    48 hours pass

    40 $MAYO (4%) will be burned forever upon transacting


    Scenario 1

    You want to transfer all of your $MAYO

    You can only send 960 $MAYO

    After the transfer, your balance will be 0


    Scenario 2

    You transfer 500 $MAYO

    500 $MAYO reach their destination

    You only have 460 $MAYO left in your wallet.

  • Total burned $MAYO:


11.47B $MAYO

No presale

95% liquidity

3% community fund

2% team allocation


Keep it in the fridge or it will go bad

© 2023 Mayoneese. All rights reserved. $MAYO is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The token is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.